ombudsman event

01.11.24 Office of the Ombudsperson Overview

Join Sarah Klaper, University Ombudsperson and Carrie Thomas, Program Coordinator, for a session to gain insight on the workings of the Office of the Ombudsperson. Sarah and Carrie will also discuss their annual report, concerns that came to their office in the last year, as well as trends and concerns they noted.

The Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial, confidential conflict resolution resource available to help staff navigate University concerns such as communication, retaliation, disciplinary matters, and various workplace issues. There will be time for Q & A after the presentation.

12pm – 1pm on January 11, 2024.

Here is a link to the recording of the event with the Ombudsperson.

Passcode: BY0Q8YW%

Download a copy of the Ombudsperson Annual Report 22/23 that was mentioned at the program.